Sensory Processing Disorder
The OTvest™ provides a sense of calm and comfort for those with sensory processing disorder. The OTvest is a practical classroom intervention for sensory processing disorder. The OTvest™ can be worn throughout the day, discreetly, inexpensively, without the need of another individual providing the deep pressure...
Movement Disorders
Due to the patented placement of the dense, thin steel weights within the OTvest™, the OTvest™ stabilizes the trunk of the wearer. This trunk stability is beneficial for those with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s, ataxia, dystonia, multiple sclerosis and more. The OTvest weighted vest can help reduce tremors and spasms through the deep pressure provided by the OTvest patented weight insert.
Stress & Mental Health
The OTvest™ denim weighted vest can be used as a natural treatment for anxiety, stress, and agitation due to the calming effects that the OTvest’s™ deep pressure touch therapy applies to the body. The OTvest is a simple, non-invasive intervention that can make a difference in relaxation!
PTSD, Alzheimer's, Sleep Disorders, and More
The OTvest™ applies deep pressure touch therapy to the wearer. This deep pressure is registered in the limbic system, hippocampus, and reticular activating system in the brain, and may stimulate the production of key neurotransmitters to naturally calm those with PTSD, Alzheimer’s, sleep disorders, and more!
The OTvest arrived just in time for my neurologist appointment so I showed it to her and gave her one of the brochures… I have been using it with my [occupational therapy] patient’s as well….For… Read more
“My son started second grade crying everyday. He had seen a Pediatrician, a Medical Social Worker, a Psychologist and the school counselor. He was also seeing a therapist every other week. No one co… Read more
“I received the vest and it is a game changer for me! It is already enabling me to walk much better. I only have to wear it for about an hour and even when I take it off I am walking better. I am … Read more
“I wanted to let you know that we have been purchasing vests thru your website for a few years now.. As school based occupational therapists working for the Orange County Department of Education, yo… Read more